What sets Wild Hearts apart

“the ultimate gift we can give the world is to grow our tiny humans into adult humans who are independent thinkers, compassionate doers, conscious questioners, radical innovators, and passionate peacemakers.”

-L.R. Knost

 What makes Wild hearts unique?

While there are many wonderful things about Wild Hearts Nature School, here are a few things that make Wild Hearts the special, one-of-a-kind place that it is!

  • Wild Hearts Nature School remains devoted to stewardship and handling the land with care. With over 100 acres for students to explore, our natural setting provides a stimulating experience for children to discover and implement sustainable practices. We plan to control our impact on the environment by rotating the use of different paths and play areas on a regular basis.

    We also intentionally keep our class sizes small - both for the educational benefits and to ensure we do not wear out the land. This topic will be discussed regularly with our students, as we help them to recognize and cultivate their own sense of stewardship.

  • Our students will learn to be environmentally conscious while collecting resources like flowers, rocks or sticks. We encourage students to be mindful about leaving enough for the wildlife to continue to thrive, and we inspire our students to minimize any environmental impact from our activities.

    Our long term goal is to raise adults who are active in preserving and managing the woodlands in the future, with the hope that they will, in turn, pass on their passion and commitment to future generations.

  • In our Base Camp area, there are different sections of young trees at various stages of growth where children will learn the importance of regeneration, our impact on the earth, and how we can contribute to a healthy environment.

    Children will become able to identify a multitude of different flora and fauna around them, which in turn increases their awareness and interest in nature and ecology. Being able to identify a species enables a child to be aware of its existence, and motivates them to care about its existence.

  • “It takes a village to raise a child,” they often say… and our village here at Wild Hearts is one of the best parts about nature school!

    The intentionally small class sizes enhance our ability to truly get to know each student and to form a tight knit community of like minded families. We truly believe that our Wild Hearts community is our second family.

Did you know?

Wild Hearts Nature School received the Platinum Award in the Children's Activities category of the “Concord - Community Votes 2024” awards!

We are incredibly proud of the nature-loving community and environment we are building here in Concord, where children can explore, learn, and grow in the great outdoors.

“we don’t inherit the earth from our ancestors; we borrow it from our children”
